Pipeline ontwikkeling voor WWF/DFCD


CategorieGreen finance

De Natuurverdubbelaars hebben WNF Nederland ondersteund bij het opzetten van een Opportunity Window voor het Dutch Fund for Climate & Development. Middels dit Opportunity Window kunnen projecten een aanvraag indienen voor financiële en inhoudelijke ondersteuning bij de ontwikkeling van Bankable Nature Solutions. Deze projecten worden vervolgens klaargestoomd voor verdere investeringen, bijvoorbeeld vanuit de Water Facility of Land Facility van het Dutch Fund for Climate & Development.

Over de Dutch Fund for Climate & Development
Climate change is one of the biggest challenges of today. Already its impacts are being felt by people and nature across the globe, with developing countries being most affected. The Dutch Fund for Climate and Development (DFCD) enables private sector investment in projects aimed at climate adaptation and mitigation in developing countries. The Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made available €160 million to increase the resilience of communities and ecosystems most vulnerable to climate change. The DFCD is managed by a pioneering consortium of Climate Fund Managers (CFM), World Wide Fund for Nature Netherlands (WWF-NL) and SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, led by the Dutch Entrepreneurial Development Bank, FMO. The DFCD forms an important additional instrument for the Dutch government’s efforts in contributing to the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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